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Briana Roker and Genovia Holmes are the founders and creators of “The Impact”: A Millennial Empowerment Experience.

Briana Roker was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and has created a career thus far as a fashion creative through freelance modeling, fashion styling, creative directing, blogging and a host of other hobbies. Genovia Holmes was born in Chicago Illinois but now resides in Dallas, and has built a thriving career as a therapist in which she enjoys impacting the lives of other individuals and passionately speaking about the importance of self-care at various events.

Briana and Genovia both realized after attending many empowerment events themselves that there was a missing voice for millennials and therefore decided to create a safe place for that voice to be heard loud and clear.


As millennials themselves and both aware of what millenials need to hear, are not being told and most importantly should know, “The Impact” was born and is now an experience for the millennial generation to be fed the fruit necessary to not only grow themselves, their mindsets and their careers, but their lifestyles as a whole.  Briana Roker and Genovia Holmes are the evokers of change, the motivators of millennials, and the epitome of the difference desperately needed today, yesterday and within the days to come.

The Impact Mission:


The impact is a millennial empowerment experience founded and designed by Briana Roker & Dr. Genovia Holmes, to influence, empower and impact young adults on everyday issues that affect, attack, and apply to their age group, current life stage and overall lifestyle.  

The Impact Values:


Millennials are in need of unfiltered, unedited, raw, real advice, guidance and information. “The Impact” is embodied in the values of honesty, transparency, and unrevised reality. If you are interested in a “sugar coated”, “censored” or “cookie cutter” event then “The Impact” is not for you.


We believe in the power of the conversations that our parents and elders were too afraid to have, we understand the paralyzation that is caused by not discussing the detrimental issues we face everyday, and we are fully aware of the failure for most to reach such a complex generation, but we have accepted the challenge. We decided to be the difference we were hoping to see.

The Impact Vision:


“The Impact” strives to be more than just an event, but an overall experience.  Our experience is designed for millennials by millennials. As millenials ourselves, we understand and relate to our generation and their needs on a much more intimate and sincere basis because we too have stood and sometimes still stand upon the same grounds and levels ourselves in some way, aspect or form.


The missing millennial voice at most events is no longer unheard of at “The Impact”. The failed link to our generation and the “real talk” we need to have is no longer irrelevant. At “The Impact” we discuss the conversations that are important with our generation, we speak about the subjects that others fails to speak on and when most attempt to arrange gatherings and events to simply inspire, we are dedicated to creating an impact.

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